Kind Words

“Shavonne has a profound love of the land and an uncompromising passion for forestry. During the short time she joined my consulting forestry practice in Massachusetts, I found her to be unfazed by hard work, humble, and endlessly curious about all things related to forests and forestry.  For landowners seeking an ecologically-based approach to managing their woodland, Shavonne will be a perfect fit as this this framework is in her DNA.  Shavonne has a unique perspective because she has practiced forestry at large and small scales and can draw on the positive attributes of each.”


— Roger Plourde, Broad Arrow Forestry

“Shavonne is highly talented and a deep thinker. She will go above and beyond the expected deliverable, making sure that her product is thoroughly researched, measured, and verified.  She is also wonderful to work with and responsive to deadlines and commitments.”

— Edie Sonne Hall, Three Trees Consulting

“Shavonne understands the synergistic compatibility of production forestry and ecological integrity. She brought unique perspective and practical insights to our decadal management plan update covering 1,600 acres of production and naturally grown forest, woodland, and silvopasture. We’re excited that she’ll continue as consulting forester for upcoming production and habitat initiatives!”


— Ed Easterling, Crestmont Farm